Best Cosmetic Items in Dota 2

Without any doubt, Dota 2 is one of the most popular Massive Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games. Its engaging but challenging gameplay and out of competition online experience found its fans around the world. However, Dota 2 is famous not only for its game mechanics but also for a tremendous amount of cosmetic items.

Cosmetic items in MOBA games are a great way for the developers to get additional revenue without damaging gaming balance. Cosmetic means that these items do not have any in-game impact and exist only for aesthetic purposes. Only in Dota 2, cosmetic items have become a real obsession for some players.

The price for some skins may reach several thousand dollars, while the other items can be bought for less than a dollar. However, even popular and valuable items can have an affordable price – cheap skins & items can be found at among diverse gaming products. In general, the price depends on the special effects (animations, etc.) of the specific item, its type, and popularity in the Dota community. To be more specific, couriers are usually much more expensive than any type of items, followed by heroes’ weapons. This is because the courier is used in almost every game, and does not depend on the hero used by the player.

Usually, some items are the parts of a single set. Sets are a static combination of items united by a single color theme and a topic, creating a unique look of your hero. Lots of players usually buy the whole sets at once.

However, like couriers, some items can be used regardless of the hero played. Moreover, they may not be visible to other players. These include announcers, HUDs, and music packs.

Can Everything Be Purchased?

It is also worth mentioning that some items cannot be bought. It is only possible to obtain them using the Compendium, a special item that unlocks the quests for certain items. Though Compendiums are only available for purchase before or during the main event of Dota’s competitive season (The International), it is the only way to get these items.

Anyways, here are the best cosmetic items in Dota 2, which can be still bought for an affordable price and are still extremely popular among the Dota 2 community:

  1. Dragonclaw Hook,
  2. Timebreaker,
  3. Gabe Newell announcer pack.

To conclude, Dota 2 allows players to collect, buy, sell, and trade in-game items without damaging game balance. Though the most exclusive items are extremely expensive, others can be purchased for a reasonable price and bring some more excitement to the game, also allowing players to express their own individuality and unique style.